Guide: Living in the United States: A Guide for Immigrant Youth (42 pages)
Fact Sheet: Understanding the Issues of Abuse and Neglect and Asian American Families (3 pages)
Guide: Cultural Awareness and Bias: Reducing Disproportionality and Disparity (7 pages)
Issue Brief: Racial Disproportionality and Disparity in Child Welfare (22 pages)
Guide: A Practice Guide for Working with African American Families in the Child Welfare System (24 pages)
Guide: Connecting Across Cultures in CASA Advocacy (10 pages)
TED Talk: To Transform Child Welfare, Take Race out of the Equation (7 minutes)
Video: Bias-Free Advocacy (4 minutes)
Interactive Test: Harvard’s Implicit Bias Test
Video: Understanding Disability Culture and Pride (50 minutes)
TED Talk: The Trauma of Being Black in Foster Care (11 minutes)
Video: Cultural Humility (5 minutes)
Webinar: Working Effectively with Culturally Diverse Families of Children and Youth with Behavioral Health Challenges (53 minutes)
Video: Knowing Who you Are: Race Matters (14 minutes)
Video: Struggle for Identity: Issues in Transracial Adoption (20 minutes)